Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Total Mouth

In my rush to publish stuff today I felt like throwing this picture in here. I drew this at work and I mark it as proof to myself that I am still creating in small but unrelenting ways. Its been a blog-productive day with two albums and a good deal of personal art posted... I'm going to keep trying to post more music and art, especially these huge paintings I'm in the middle of... stay tuned and see ya around

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p.s. who is checking this, if anybody... just curious


I saw this band opening for Cat Power at the Tabernacle in Atlanta years ago and after their short and explosivefantastic set they were handing out this ep to those of us in the front of the crowd... They ran out of them right before I was going to get mine, but the main guy Bill Taft pulled out a little notepad and started writing down addresses to mail out more cds to all the other people who wanted them. I could see how it would be difficult to capture the energy of this band on an album, but this is a decent homemade try. Let me just say, though, that the set-up live was one guy in a creepy old man mask and awkwardbig thrift store suit on guitar and a bearded young guy with a giant drum in front of him on the floor and a jangle-y tangle of metal around his right foot to gain additional percussive-kick. I just looked up and saw that they have a pretty up-to-date myspace page and still play shows... Go out and see them cause I know i'm going to try to! Enjoy the music and remember to support these guys with moneys!!!

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Now I named this bunch of pictures "Shit-Fair" but please know that I dearly love them and I love going down to Perry GA once a year to this lovely horrible event. All the half-assed neon and old machinery is really my ideal aesthetic right now. I would like to take these polaroids and somehow turn them into larger prints, but only if the quality isn't sacrificed... Anyway, here they are, and the titles aren't necessarily final...

Four People
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Gray Lanes
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Indian Tent Christmas Trees
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Modern Wheel
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No Pain No Blood
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Pink Yellow Blue Green
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Pyramid Raft
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Red with Shadow
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Bunches 2008
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Little Wings- Light Green Leaves

The first of a line of albums I want to share with you guys, I've owned this album for years now and its a great time. Weird and beautiful lyrics and stories set to quaint little ditty's. He sets up a small stage for his bizarre tales to unravel and I couldn't imagine this album being any better. If you love it go out and buy it! Enjoy, buddies

